Ruby Kate Sabbah
Month #1
- I sleep 5-6 hour stretches stretches most nights, starting pretty consistently at about day 7.. Mom LOVES this.
- I coo a lot...especially in the mornings. I found this talent at around 2 weeks.
- I have become a pretty good grinner. If you give me a big smile and talk to me, I can usually muster up a grin or two and some coos for you. I'm still figuring out how to use those muscles exactly when I want them, but I've been practicing since 14 days old!
- I don't mind tummy time as long as its on Mom or Dads chest or lap.
- Pacifier? Still not sure how I feel about that one...sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't. It helps me stay sleepy at night though.
- I don't like to be swaddled but I like t be cuddled nice and close.
- I am starting to like baths..but not really..and DEFINITELY not all that hair washing stuff.
- I have pooped and peed on my awesome mom already in my 4.5 short weeks of life. She still loves me.
- I still sleep in Mom & Dad's room.
- I am wearing 0-3 month clothes...I grew out of the newborn around 3 weeks!
- I am a great eater an I hardly ever spit up.
- I am a super happy girl and my mommy and daddy just cannot get enough!
Now here is a photo dump of my first 30 ish days of life.

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