Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Milwaukee, Will Like-ee

Husband has business trips that take him (and sometimes me) 
to Milwaukee every few weeks..for a couple of weeks.

The first trip was in July.
I flew out the day after he flew did and arrived at the hotel while he was at work.
I was blown away at the MASSIVE curtains that covered the back wall..

..and then..
I opened them.

And i was even more blown away that there was window all over that wall!
This big huge window made the fact that 
I was in this room from 8-5 every day for two weeks
 not so bad.
Sounds silly. But the view was great from 8 stories up.

Milwaukee has a market kind of like a farmers market 
that is open every day and has little restaurants inside.
We loved to eat there. Great food that is different than the norm and it was super close to our hotel.
This is us eating ice-cream from there.
Don't worry..mine is blueberry..not cotton candy.
That's gross.

We liked to do things in this new city when Husband would get done with his work.
One day we walked to the lake. 
Let me tell you..the great lakes are exactly that.
Great. Gargantuan. Huge!

It looked like we could have been looking out at the ocean. 
It was so different from the puddles we are used to in Arizona.

Husband gets a stipend for his food every day. Sometimes, he eats really light during the day so that we can splurge on dinner. We'll go out to eat somewhere nice and his part of the meal is paid for.
It is such a blessing! We are loving the chance to try and see new things!
This is at a seafood restaurant that was right on the lake.
The food was delish.

We loved the architecture of the buildings..
Milwaukee is definitely different than the big cities we'd been to before.

One night, we went to a Brewers game for practically nothing. He gets discounted tickets through his work so the cheap nosebleeds were nearly free.
We moved down to some empty seats about half way though the game
..with the OK of one of the ushers.

The game was an exciting one!
It was tied and in extra innings when the Brewers hit a grand slam to win the game!
We definitely put ourselves into the game and we cheered our hearts out. 
:) It's probably the most fun game I've ever been to.

On Saturday there was a French Days festival. We walked around and ate some awesome food. 
I started not feeling well so we didn't spend too much time there. 
But it was a good time while we were there :)

Husband's job has allowed us to see and try so many new things already! 
We are loving these experiences we get to share together!