Saturday, December 1, 2012

Our First Thanksgiving

We took NO pictures on Thanksgiving.
We took ONE picture on Thanksgiving... like 9:00 that night when Noor was eating leftover Thanksgiving dinner.
Here it is, Ladies and Gents....

Now...while that man right there is the stubbliest of men...and I do love this ONE picture we got...
I wish we had taken more memory-rich pictures of our first Thanksgiving together.

That being said...we didn't have our family-filled traditional Thanksgiving dinner. We were stuck in Houston for Thanksgiving because we couldn't afford airfare home. Lucky for us though, a few wonderful families in our ward were "orphans" this year too, so we all combined and had one big Thanksgiving dinner. We still had great food and we stilled laughed and ate too much...but it wasn't the same spending the holiday away from our family.

We did venture out to shop on Black Friday...not enough to wake up early to do it though. We enjoyed going out and spending our day together Christmas shopping and loving that the Christmas season had OFFICIALLY begun. :)

We did go more places than just the sporting goods store...we just we no good
at taking pictures. Obviously we didn't learn much from the day before.

We have been so blessed as a family already. 
The Lord has definitely poured out joy upon us this year and we are incredibly grateful to Him.
We are thankful to be an eternal family. There is no greater blessing on this earth than to know that we can be together forever. I hope to retain the attitude of gratitude throughout my coming years..not just waiting for the one weekend out of the year to stuff my face and realize what I am thankful for.
Live with an attitude of gratitude and you will never be without a life fully of blessings.
Happy Thanksgiving!